
Power Resistance Bands


  • Low-cost exercise tool
  • Durable and eco-friendly – 100% natural latex 
  • Add to bars or machines for added resistance or help
  • Easily stores in your Phatmat Carry Bag to use at home, gym, hotel or where ever you go.
Use power resistance bands for stretching and rehabilitation purposes or to improve any of the following:
  • Strength and muscle tone
  • Co-ordination and performance
  • Stamina and endurance
  • Flexibility and balance
  • Speed, agility, and mobility
Choose from 5 resistance levels for specific training options and help you reach your fitness goals. Save 30% with a complete set for many powerband exercises.

Read full description below.

SKU: PHATPRB Category:


Power Resistance Bands are an inexpensive fitness tool essential for your workout bag.
They offer a varied dynamic of training – more intensity than free-weights. But not as vigorous as weight-based training.
Power bands are effective and will help you in reaching your fitness goals.

What Are Power Resistance Bands?

They are long latex bands which provide continuous resistance during movement of an exercise.
This continuous resistance occurs when stretching the band to its limit. The band tension increases, which make your muscles work harder to overcome its force.
Due to gravity, all exercise involves resistance. But the versatility of power bands enhance the benefits of resistance:
  • Strength and muscle tone
  • Co-ordination and performance
  • Stamina and endurance
  • Flexibility and balance
  • Speed, agility, and mobility

How Do Power Resistance Bands Work? Are They Effective?

Resistance bands vary in tension, the thicker they are, the more resistance provided.
So, with more resistance, the harder your muscles work through a particular exercise.
You can also use power bands to help during weight-based or body-weight exercises. Assisting you to lift during a particular exercise.
Power Resistance Bands are useful for people of any age or fitness level. Whether you’re a novice finding your way, or professional exploiting their many benefits.
Effective for beginners in powerlifting or general training exercises. Also for athletes wanting to perfect form or gain extra from their training.
Most beginners start with a light resistance band for a rapid increase in strength. Aiming to perform 3 sets and 8-12 repetitions of each exercise.
Progressing to the next resistance level when they complete 12 reps of an exercise. This way strength improvements are continuous, helping to avoid muscle plateau.
Muscle plateau means that you’re muscles remain the same size, but you still get stronger.
By moving to the next resistance level, you’ll continue to grow both strength and muscle.
Varying your power band workouts can also push you past muscle plateau. By shocking and stressing your muscles with different movements, they will adapt.

What Exercises Can I Use Power Resistance Bands?

Before any new exercise program, seek advice from a qualified personal trainer.
It is important to stretch your muscles to reduce the risk of injury. Use power bands to help you stretch and increase flexibility.
Used for many exercises to assist or resist, you can take power bands anywhere. Use them at the gym, hotel, park or comfort of your own home!
Use power bands resist or assist during aerobic bodyweight exercises such as:
  • jumping
  • side-stepping (lateral band walk)
  • squats
  • lunges
  • push-ups
  • pull-ups
  • dips
  • kneeling crunch
  • reverse crunch
  • wood-chopper
Use them as aids during these exercises help you to perform more reps or improve form.
You could use power resistance bands to replace a weight-based training program. Or use them to assist or resist by attaching them to workout out equipment such as bars or machines.
Use resistance bands to perform a full-body workout or target specific muscle groups:
  • bench press
  • chest flys
  • lying pullover
  • overhead shoulder press
  • upright row
  • lateral raise
  • shrug
  • lat pulldown
  • bent over row
  • face pull
  • deadlift
  • good mornings
  • bicep curl
  • tricep pushdown
  • leg extension
  • leg curl
  • calf raise
You can use Power Resistance Bands for almost any exercise! They are an awesome fitness tool for improving your strength and building muscle.

How To Choose A Power Resistance Band

For successful resistance training, chose a resistance band that suits your training goals.
As you reach your fitness goals, progress to the next resistance level.
Increasing the tension will allow you to continue building strength and muscle.
Also, ensure that you choose a power band suitable for your strength and experience.
As suggested above, aim for 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions of a particular exercise and power band.
If you are unable to complete this, select a lower resistance. If you complete with ease, select a higher resistance.
One band might not be enough resistance to workout your entire body. Some muscle groups are stronger than others.
In this case, choose varying resistances, or buy the complete set.
This way you can combine the resistance bands for varying resistances.


Power Resistance Bands vary in tension, identified by thickness and colour:
Red (7-16 Kg).
Perfect for beginners or those seeking extra-light resistance or assistance during training
Black (11-29 Kg)
Perfect for beginners/intermediates or those seeking light resistance or assistance during training.
Purple (16-39 Kg)
Perfect for intermediates or those seeking medium resistance or assistance during training.
Green (23-57 Kg)
Perfect for intermediates/advanced or those seeking heavy resistance or assistance during training.
Blue (27-79 Kg)
Perfect for advanced or those seeking extra-heavy resistance or assistance during training.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Resistance Level

Complete Set, 7-16Kg (Red), 11-29Kg (Black), 16-39Kg (Purple), 23-57Kg (Green), 27-79Kg (Blue)

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